4834.7718  - Leser Germany  Sales

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Product 4834.7718
Internal code IMP4272839
Technical specification Order code output, line 1: H03X00I17A17L92L93H04B53J22H85 Order code output, line 2: (A85) Housing material: (H04) 1.4435/316L Nominal inlet DN 40 Nominal outlet DN 40 Pressure inlet PN 10 pressure stage outlet PN 10 d0 (ASME-DIN) [mm] 25.0 Flow rate D/G: 0.38 Flow rate F: 0.26 Connection inlet (L92) ON - APV-FN1 Flange Pipe Standard Inlet (H85) according to DIN 11850 & DIN 11866 series A Pipe Standard Outlet (A85) according to DIN 11850 & DIN 11866 series A Response pressure: 8.00 Printing unit: bar-g Response pressure [bar-g] 8.00 Response pressure in psi-g: 116.03 cold setting pressure [bar-g] 8.00 cold setting pressure [psi-g] 116.03 Operating temperature: 20 Temperature unit: °C - Celsius Operating temperature [°C] 20.00 Operating temperature in °F: 68 Plate, soft sealing: (J22) with soft seal EPDM “D” READER Surface package: (B53) Clean Finish Medium Wetted Surface: Admission: polished Ra <= 0.75μm Bottom of the plate: polished Ra <= 0.75 μm Exfoliation room surface: Inner surface: Ra <= 1.5μm Weld: Ra <= 3μm External surface: Ra <= 1.5μm Documentation: (H03) LESER CGA Certificate for Global Application Acceptance Test Certificate 3.1 according to DIN EN 10204 Version according to reader serial number: 10812493

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